I am a very ambitious and motivated individual.
I am trustworthy honest and capable of working on my own using my own initiative as well as working as part of a team.
Man is physically weaker than animals. He has no natural weapens for his defence.
Man was helpless when he was sent to earth but ALLAH Bless him with wisdom which differentiate him from others creatures..
Soon through knowledge he has been able to get sentral position on earth..
Knowledge is the under standing of natural laws framed by ALLAH to run this universe very soon man disovered those laws with wisdom and started inventing new things for his comfort……For example.
Steam engine
And Computer are major invention of our age.
All comforts luxuries we are enjoying today are due to knowledge of power …
Eduation is the proess to get knowledge now you can imagine the importane of eduation . Eduation can ply an important role in progress of a nation .. we should educate our peoples. There is a saying..
“A king is honowred in his own country .an educated man is honowred every where ,,
M y dear colleaqes and teacher this is the age of competition..
We can compete other nation only through power of scientific knowledge .
As you know we are living in the age of information tehnology in this age
A piece of information is mor valuea able than peace of gold.
Because with power of information/knowledge we can earn a lot…